The Temple Platform Canopy戲台天棚戲台天棚The Temple Platform Canopy

AboutThe Temple Platform Canopy


The original public retail market has been rebuilt,and flexible public communication spaces have opened between tight alleyways to provide residents with recreation and community.The memory of the old stage has been extended to connect Xietian Temple culture with ordinary people’s lives through light and shadow refraction.

燈光設計透過光影在遊客穿梭島嶼鏡面裝置之下時,時而像是望向龜山島之海水,想像潮汐的波瀾;時而想像於毛柿樹的林蔭 下乘涼。毛柿又稱黑檀木,在諸多柿樹中,毛柿受到許多族群的青睞,龜山島是毛柿自然分布的極北,上岸祭拜居民心目中 的「神木」,庇佑他們的「毛柿公」。寄望來到戲台天棚除了感受協天廟的檀香,也能想像到在龜山島彼端佇立的毛柿公。

ArchiBlur Lab of The Temple Platform Canopy
