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AboutExplore Jiaoxi


Exploring the dialogue between humanity and nature,the”Jiaoxi Cultural Trail Map”represents a system of walking trails that integrates Jiaoxi’s suburbs,ecological trails,communities and transportation.Between the city blocks and landscape of Jiaoxi,the”Jiaoxi Transfer Station Traveler Path”,”Green Creek Square”,”Paoma Historic Trail Park + The Night Theater of Mountain Lights”,”The Temple Platform Canopy”and other sites are built with light,sound,and installation environments.Explore the rich natural landscape and human history of Jiaoxi through architecture and art that touch the hearts of Jiaoxi travelers.

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AboutFieldoffice Architects


Fieldoffice Architects + Sheng-Yuan Huang

田中央工作群近年來時常受邀參與國際展覽,是台灣當前建築發展最特殊的一個現象,他們不但創新了專業工作方式,也重書了地域主義的內涵。田中央替我們眺望出前所未見的建築圖景。 1994年,黃聲遠隻身移往宜蘭開展建築創作生涯。隨後二十年間獲獎無數,黃聲遠建立了兩個獨特的內涵。其一,與黃聲遠有關的作品幾乎都在宜蘭地區,這意味著他的創作與個人的生活體驗、理解有著絕對的關連;其二,黃聲遠的創作理念以及其對創作過程的獨特見解,影響了許多有志一同的年輕人,他們自願匯入,從黃聲遠的個人,逐漸發展為田中央的集體,形成台灣建築發展中難得出現之意志同盟! 反映在創作上,田中央長期停留宜蘭,設計大多在縣內,說明他們不想以一般普世通用的知識想當然耳地處理建築,而是想透過徹底深入的真實生活,讓自己與在地的脈動融為一體。透過這樣的感知,讓設計與不斷變動的環境、使用性等因素之間生成綿密、無須以言語傳達的關聯。對田中央而言,設計主要不在對應建築的興建,也不在建築完成後結束,他們認為建築在使用後,設計仍然進行,因為生活(或使用)是活的,是永遠的進行式!

Fieldoffice Architects (hereinafter referred to as Fieldoffice) rooted in the landscape of Yilan is an "alliance of gathered will" of nearly thirty people that is steadily growing and expanding. The young staff hails from all corners of Taiwan. Through 20 years, every staff member has learned from the local Yilanese and from this has gradually formed one's own way of living. Inspired by the unique geography, mythology, history, climate condition and rebellious spirits of this land, everyone has slowly come to realize that Taiwan's democratic nature has always been very much alive. As long as the younger generation is free from the restraints of specialization, they could start from every possible corner and freely search for their own client or clientele, working together with select resources to leisurely create a collaborative working spirit of discipline. Year after year, together with partners and local inhabitants, a collective of public corridors have been successively created, earning the admiration of the local people experiencing these urban open spaces with a heartfelt connection. Through these processes, intimate relationships are formed between design, applicability and the ever- changing environment without the need for words. Throughout the villages and countryside of Yilan, an existing vision of interconnected spaces with no central theme or urgent demand for future developments conforming to a fixed and inflexible master plan exists. However, with enough knowledge and creative input it is possible to see the wildest of dreams come to creation,correlation and fulfillment. Paving the way for organic architecture to branch forth and spread its roots deep within living communities, enveloping limitless creative vistas of potential that exist in a living cycle of life that pursues the ideal of “creating a newly-found local life through professional integration”.


Huang, Sheng-Yuan

1963年生於台北, 1994年定居宜蘭,後來發展出田中央聯合建築師事務所+田中央工作群。 深耕宜蘭二十多年的時間。在瞬息萬變,高度與國際接軌的現代社會中,他以極為緩慢堅定的腳步啟發一波又一波的年輕建築師,與土地及時間做朋友,用高度在地性的思想及原創語彙,默默呈獻形塑宜蘭的空間樣貌及生活形態,同時努力將建築融入生態地景之中,漸漸於國際引起共嗚。先於日本獲得Gallery Ma邀展及出版,後又獲邀至芬蘭、愛沙尼亞、波蘭、捷克、法國、德國及英國等歐洲各國巡迴展出及2018年於威尼斯建築雙年展台灣館中以《活在宜蘭–連接山海水土》為題展出。於2017年底獲吉阪隆正賞的大獎、2018獲國家文藝獎及總統創新獎肯定。

Huang, Sheng-Yuan is the principal of Fieldoffice Architects in Yilan, Taiwan, and graduated from Tunghai University Dep. of Architecture in 1986 and received his M. Arch. with Honors from Yale University in 1991. In the early days of his career he worked at Eric Owen Moss Architects as a Project Associate. Before returning to Taiwan, he taught at North Carolina State University. Currently he is the principle of Fieldoffice Architects+Sheng-Yuan Huang and initiated projects such as Yilan Vascular Bundle Project, Yilan City Historical Path refound, Yilan River and Surrounding Community Development, and Yilan County South Cultural Center.

主辦單位建築設計策展人宜蘭縣政府田中央聯合建築師事務所龔卓軍Organized byArchitecture Design of Paoma Historic Trail ParkCuratorYILAN COUNTRY GOVERNMENTFIELDOFFICE ARCHITECTSZHUO-JUN GONG主辦單位建築設計策展人宜蘭縣政府田中央聯合建築師事務所龔卓軍Organized byArchitecture Design of Paoma Historic Trail ParkCuratorYILAN COUNTRY GOVERNMENTFIELDOFFICE ARCHITECTSZHUO-JUN GONG

